Friday, July 15, 2016

Addictive Foods That Are By No Means Good For The Body

Addiction to the wrong kind of food can be as harmful to people’s well-being as being addicted to anything else. People should know the kinds of food that can be addictive and harmful at the same time. Here are some of them.
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Junk food

Junk food such as chips and cheese curls are made to give the consumer a feeling of always wanting more. Basically, junk foods aren’t filling. They’re made with a lot of monosodium glutamate or MSG, which is an additive that stirs the flavor of food and increases a person’s appetite. Junk food rarely has any nutritional value, and are more often than not, “empty calories” with high cholesterol content. That’s never a good thing.


By now, people already know that sugar is the leading cause of heart disease, not fat. Knowing that, it certainly follows that any addiction to sweet kinds of food is bad. In fact, many health experts are now hailing sugar as the new cocaine. And of all the sweet foods, researchers found that the most addictive are chocolate cookies. Such sweet treats should be approached with caution and consumed in moderation.

Fast food

There is no debate about it. Fast food contributes to the rising incidence of obesity, in a big way. The calorie content of a large burger is enough to fuel a person throughout the day. French fries, everyone’s favorite little deep-fried potato sticks, are oozing with cholesterol. Factor in milkshakes and apple pies, and addiction to fast food becomes more than just a threat to health.
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Morningside Recovery is committed to providing peaceful and nonjudgmental environment for people coping with and recovering from addiction or mental illness. For more information about the treatment it offers, visit its blog site.

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